Before you start

Please download the suggested API integration process flow document and use it as a reference when developing.
Kindly adhere to the Netcash brand guidelines when developing.


Programmers Guide

Refer to our Programmers guide for more detail on how to apply the required methodology in this document.
Ensure that the settings for developers are adhered to before you proceed with your implementation.


Web Service Methods

The list of Netcash web service methods can be found here.


Quick Start Guides

Quick Start Guides will help you understand this service and get you started.


DebiCheck is a preferential debit order system requiring the bank account holder to give specific electronic permission (via their bank) prior to any debit order being processed.

Contract Types

  1. Fixed: terms of the contract remain unchanged. For example, a gym contract.
  2. Variable: contract terms may change. eg, a home loan may vary in line with the prevailing interest rates. *Note
  3. Usage-based: terms of the contract change regularly. eg, a cellphone bill may vary monthly based on usage.

Technical Information


Requests to the web service is sent as a string.

Example:  public string DebiCheckAmendAuthentication(string ServiceKey, string ContractReference, long CollectionAmountInCents, long MaximumCollectionAmountInCents)

Mandatory fields

The fields indicated by are mandatory for the specified instruction.

Key Field name Mandatory

See key legend for value requirements
Type Description
Service Key Debit order service key is required
243 DebiCheck collection amount N In cents
604 Max Collection Amount N In cents
617 Contract Reference of DC authentication being amended AN50



Contract Reference: NC000000012213
Collection Amount In Cents: 19700
Max Collection Amount In Cents: 19900



    <Messages attr0="StringArray" isNull="false" /> 

Netcash brand guidelines

Please refer to the Netcash brand guidelines here when using any logos, images, icons, labels, descriptions, and references to Netcash in your software.


See Testing section for more details. If you require any integration assistance contact our technical support team

Netcash may provide example/sample/demo ‘code snippets’ and/or external links in this Technical Document. Such are for guidance purposes only and may not function on every developer’s system/s. Netcash disclaims any and all liability for the usage of guidance resources provided -and you as the Developer; must accept full responsibility for the usage of such. While every possible effort has been taken to ensure compatibility across multiple system configurations, the contents of this document cannot be guaranteed to work on all systems, with all operating systems -and/or with all system configuration/s.