
The following document gives a basic guideline of using the Netcash Web Service for systems integration.
The Location for this web service is at: https://ws.netcash.co.za/NIWS/niws_nif.svc

This service enables a software developer to write code enabling a user to do South African Bank Account and Consumer ID Verification from the Netcash System without user interaction.

This document explains the bulk processing service. For the real-time service click here.

Developers should familiarize themselves with calling a web service and processing the return in their chosen development language.

Bank Account Verification (AVS)

Only the following banks support/offer bank account verification services:

ABSA YES 632005
Access Bank/GRO YES 410506
African Bank YES 430000
Bank of Athens NO 410506
Bidvest Bank NO 462005
Bank Zero YES 888000
Capitec Bank YES 470010
Capitec Business Bank NO 450105
Discovery Bank YES 679000
First National Bank YES 250655
Grindrod YES 584000
Investec Bank YES 580105
Nedbank YES 198765
Sasfin Bank YES 683000
Standard Bank* YES 051001
Thyme Bank YES 678910

* Standard Bank 11-digit account numbers can only be verified using the universal branch code 051001
* Standard Bank 10-digit account numbers can be verified using the actual branch code -or the universal branch code.

Please note: Netcash can currently only verify the abovementioned banks’ accounts. AVS requests for any other banks are charged for and will not produce results.

AVS Terms

  • Consumer: The client’s identity number and bank account details are submitted to the issuing bank to verify that the account is open, active and associated with the ZA identity number supplied.
  • Commercial: The company’s registration number and bank account details are submitted to the issuing bank to verify that the account is open, active and associated with the company registration number supplied.

Technical Information

Please ensure that the settings for Developers are correctly set before you proceed with the implementation below specification.


  1. Build the standard input file (NIF) containing the AVS enquiries according to the spec in this document.
  2. Submit the file to Netcash via the BatchFileUpload method.
  3. Retrieve the load report using the RequestFileUploadReport method.
  4. Retrieve the results of the enquiries using the RequestAVSReport method.

Call the required method in the service https://ws.netcash.co.za/NIWS/niws_nif.svc

Method Name Parameters
  • ServiceKey (Risk Services Service Key)
  • File
  • ServiceKey (Risk Services Service Key)
  • FileToken (received on file upload if successful)
  • ServiceKey (Risk Services Service Key)
  • FileToken (the same file token received)

Once you have built the file call:

Input File Structure

The file is a tab delimited text file and each file has the following mandatory records:

H – Header record identifies the upload and passes instructions to the Netcash server to determine the purpose of the file.
K – Key record must follow the header record. The key record describes the transaction records which follow. The format defined in the key record is used to validate the record structure and content.
T – Transaction records follow the key record. The fields in the transaction records must conform to the layout defined in the key.
F – Footer record must be the last record in the file and confirms that the file is complete.

Header record (H)

Every file must contain a header record as the first record in the file.


Field Name Type Value
Record ID A H
Service Key AN GUID
Version N 1
Instruction AN CD35
Batch name AN Your identifier
Action date N CCYYMMDD
Software Vendor Key AN GUID

Field explanations

Field Name Explanation
Record Id “H” – Identifies the record as a header
Service Key The Risk Service Key issued to the account by Netcash
Version “1” – This is the Netcash version of the file specification
Instruction Purpose of the file (CD35 – AVS enquiry)
Batch name The Batch name will be returned in the Load report header to identify the batch result
Action date Current date
Software Vendor Key The key issued by Netcash to identify the software origin of transactions. (only used by Netcash ISV‘s else use the default value: 24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080)

Key Record (K)

The key record is mandatory and must appear in the file between the header record and the transaction records.
The key defines the content, order and length of the transactions records in the file (similar to the column headings in a spreadsheet)
The key lists all the possible fields contained in the subsequent transaction records, even if not every transaction record contains data in all the fields.
While the file is customizable, Netcash recommends listing keys in ascending numerical order for ease of debugging and support.


K 101 126 127 131 132 133 134 135 136


Transaction Record (T)

There must be at least one transaction record in the file
The transaction records must conform to the order of the fields as described in the key record.
(In the example, the account reference (field id 101) is defined as the first field in the record therefore every transaction record MUST have the account reference as the first field or it will fail validation)
Every transaction record must have the same number of fields as defined in the key record (K). A blank tab (or the default value defined for the field) should replace empty fields.


Field Type Value Mandatory
Record Id A T
101 AN Account reference
126 AN AVS check number
127 N1 Is ID number
131 N1 Banking detail type
132 AN Bank account name
133 N1 Bank account type
134 AN6 Branch code
135 N1 Filler
136 N11 Bank account number
301 AN Extra 1
302 AN Extra 2
303 AN Extra 3


Field explanations

Key Field Name Explanation
101 Account reference The unique reference for this record
126 AVS check number SA ID number / Passport number/ Company registration
127 Is ID number 1 = This is an SA ID number. The system will validate the AVS check number supplied in 126 before submitting for verification
0 = company registration or passport number
131 Banking detail type 1 = Bank account
132 Bank account name Account holder surname or company name. The bank will verify that the account name is as it appears in their records
133 Bank account type 1 = Current
2 = Savings
3 – Transmission
134 Branch code 6-digit branch code. Prefill with zeroes if less than 6
135 Filler 0
136 Bank account number Bank account number
301 Extra 1 Custom user-defined data*
302 Extra 2 Custom user-defined data*
303 Extra 3 Custom user-defined data*
  • The content of the “Extra” fields will be included in downloaded statement data.

Footer record (F)

The footer record indicates that the file is complete. It must be the last record in the file. If the record is not present, the system will fail the file without processing any transaction records.


Field Name Type Value
Record Identifier A F
No of transactions N A count of the transaction records
Sum of amounts N 0
End-of-file indicator N 9999


Input file example

H C74EF975-5429-4663-85FB-2A64CA0FB9EF 1 CD35 Test AVS Batch 20180730 24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080
K 101 126 127 131 132 133 134 135 136 301 302 303
T Ref001 199102191024089 1 1 NEL 2 051001 0 10011234099 Extra data 1 Extra 2 Extra 3
F 1 0 9999



The web service has a 3-tiered output:

  • The method call is validated
  • The file content is validated and a load report is produced
  • The results of the enquiries are returned in a response file

Method call output

Successful request

If the method call was successful, the web service will process the file and return a file token. Use the file token returned to retrieve the load report.



Unsuccessful request

If the method call fails, the web service will return an error code:

Code Description
100 Authentication failure. Ensure that the Service Key in the method call is correct
102 Parameter error. One or more of the parameters in the string is incorrect
200 General code exception. Please contact Netcash Technical Support

Load Report

To retrieve the load report call:

Only errors are reported in the file. If all the entries in the file are successfully validated, the Load report header will contain “SUCCESSFUL” and there will be no detail messages.

File structure

The report is tab-delimited with a linefeed character as line terminator.

Load report header (occurs once at the start of each load report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN8 ###BEGIN
2 Batch name AN {your batch name}
3 Result of upload A13 SUCCESSFUL / UNSUCCESSFUL /
4 Start time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM
5 Batch Value AN15 TOTAL OF BATCH
6 Action Date AN8 CCYYMMDD

Load report message
(occurs multiple times – once per error record)

Field Name Type Value
1 Account reference AN58 Acc Ref :{your account reference}
2 Line number AN Line :{line in your file where error was found}
3 Error message AN The error message
1 Record identifier AN8 ###ERROR
2 Error message AN The error message

Load report trailer
(occurs once – the last line in the report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN6 ###END
2 End time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM


Response File

To retrieve the response file call:

The response file contains a record per enquiry as it is returned from the bank.

File structure
The report is tab delimited with a linefeed character as line terminator.

AVS report header (occurs once at the start of the AVS report)

Field Field name CD35
Record identifier AN8 ###BEGIN
File Token N The polling id returned in the original response
Start time of report AN8 HH:MM AM / PM

Key record (occurs once between header and transaction records)

Field Type Value
Record identifier AN6 ###KEY
Field 11 AN EXTRA1
Field 12 AN EXTRA2
Field 13 AN EXTRA3

AVS transaction (occurs multiple times – once per account number)

Field Type Value
Account reference A Acc Ref :{your account reference}
Bank account number A VALID / INVALID
AVS check number A VALID / INVALID
(AVS check number matches account number)
Last name match * A VALID / INVALID or N/A
Account active * A VALID / INVALID or N/A
Period active * A Y = account active for longer than 6 months
N = account not active
Accepts debits * A VALID / INVALID or N/A
Accepts credits * A VALID / INVALID or N/A
Account dormant * A VALID / INVALID or N/A
Error message A Any error message received from the bank
Extra 1 A User defined data which was sent in the request file
Extra 2 A User defined data which was sent in the request file
Extra 3 A User defined data which was sent in the request file

* : Not all banks are able to supply all the data fields. Where fields cannot be populated by the participating bank, they are returned as N/A.

AVS report trailer (occurs once – the last line in the report)

Field Type Value
Record identifier AN6 ###END
End time of report AN8 HH:MM AM / PM

AVS Submit Example

call the BatchFileUpload method equal to a string variable string Request =
    client.BatchFileUpload(ServiceKey, File);

// close client after response is received

switch (Request) {
  case "100":  // Authentication failure
  case "102":  // Parameter error
  case "200":  // General code exception.
  default:  // successfull
    return Request;

Request File Upload Report Example

    public string RequestFileUploadReport(string ServiceKey, string FileToken) {
  // initialise client
  NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient client = new NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient();

  // call the RequestFileUploadReport method equal to a string variable
  // the same Service Key used for the bactch file upload
  string Request = client.RequestFileUploadReport(ServiceKey, FileToken);

  // close client after response is received

  // use response to output to UI
  // service will respond with the result of the file upload
  return Request;


Request AVS Response Example

public string RequestAVSReport(string pServiceKey, string pFileToken) {
  // initialise client
  NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient client = new NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient();

  // call the RequestAVSReport method equal to a string variable
  // the same Service Key used for the bactch file upload
  string Request = client.RequestAVSReport(pServiceKey, pFileToken);

  // close client after response is received

  // use response to output to UI
  // service will respond with the result of the file upload
  return Request;


Identity Number Verification & Risk Reports

Credit Bureaus verify SA ID numbers against Home Affairs data where it exists.
Risk reports are available from a number of different credit bureaus – see reports available here

Build the standard input file (NIF) containing the IDV enquiries according to the spec in this document.
Submit the file to Netcash via the BatchFileUpload method.
Retrieve the load report using the RequestFileUploadReport method.
Retrieve the results of the enquiries using the RequestCreditDataReport method.

Accessing the service:

Call the required method in the service https://ws.netcash.co.za/NIWS/niws_nif.svc

Method Name Parameters
  • ServiceKey (Risk Services Service Key)
  • File
  • ServiceKey (Risk Services Service Key)
  • FileToken (received on file upload if successful)
  • ServiceKey (risk service – Service Key)
  • FileToken (the same file token received)

Once you have built the file call:

Input File Structure

The file is a tab delimited text file and each file has the following mandatory records:
H – Header record identifies the upload and passes instructions to the Netcash server to determine the purpose of the file.
K – Key record must follow the header record. The key record describes the transaction records which follow. The format defined in the key record is used to validate the record structure and content.
T – Transaction records follow the key record. The fields in the transaction records must conform to the layout defined in the key.
F – Footer record must be the last record in the file and confirms that the file is complete.

Header record (H)

Every file must contain a header record as the first record in the file.


Field Name Type Value
Record ID A H
Service Key AN GUID
Version N 1
Instruction AN CD14 or other report type
Batch name AN Your identifier
Action date N CCYYMMDD
Software Vendor Key AN GUID

Field explanations

Field Name Explanation
Record Id “H” – Identifies the record as a header
Service Key The Risk Service – Service Key issued to the account by Netcash
Version “1” – This is the Netcash version of the file specification
Instruction Purpose of the file
(CD14 – IDV enquiry)
See other types available here
Batch name The Batch name will be returned in the Load report header to identify the batch result
Action date Today’s date
Software Vendor Key The key issued by Netcash to identify the software origin of transactions. (only used by Netcash ISV‘s else use the default value: 24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080)

Key Record (K)

The key record is mandatory and must appear in the file between the header record and the transaction records.
The key defines the content, order and length of the transactions records in the file (similar to the column headings in a spreadsheet)
The key lists all the possible fields contained in the subsequent transaction records, even if not every transaction record contains data in all the fields.
While the file is customizable, Netcash recommends listing keys in ascending numerical order for ease of debugging and support.


K 101 111 113 114 450


Transaction Record (T)

There must be at least one transaction record in the file
The transaction records must conform to the order of the fields as described in the key record.
(In the example, the account reference (field id 101) is defined as the first field in the record therefore every transaction record MUST have the account reference as the first field or it will fail validation)
Every transaction record must have the same number of fields as defined in the key record (K). A blank tab (or the default value defined for the field) should replace empty fields.


Field Type Value Mandatory
Record Id A T
101 AN Account reference
111 N SA ID number
113 A Surname
114 N1 First name
450 N2 Reason code*
301 Extra 1
302 Extra 2
303 Extra 3

Field explanations

Key Field Name Explanation
101 Account reference The unique reference for this record
111 SA ID number 13-digit ID number.
113 Surname No special characters permitted
114 First name No special characters permitted
450 Reason code* Required by the credit bureau. See the table below
301 Extra 1 Custom user-defined data*
302 Extra 2 Custom user-defined data*
303 Extra 3 Custom user-defined data*

* The content of the “Extra” fields will be included in the downloaded statement data.
This is a list of the reason codes for use in Field 450 when requesting a Risk Services enquiry. The reason code is a mandatory field required by the Credit Bureaus and must be included in every request.

Code Reason name Explanation
32 Credit application Undertaking a credit assessment in respect of a consumer, as required by Section 81 (2) of the Act;
33 Credit limit management Undertaking a credit assessment in respect of a consumer, as required by Section 81 (2) of the Act;
34 Insurance application Assessing an application for insurance, provided that the consent of the consumer has been obtained prior to the report being requested; (Regulation 18(4)(f) of the National Credit Act Regulations)
35 Employment check Considering a candidate for employment in a position that requires trust and honesty and entails the handling of cash or finances, provided that the consent of the consumer has been obtained prior to the report being requested; OR Verifying educational qualifications and employment provided that the consent of the consumer has been obtained prior to the report being requested; (Regulation 18(4)(g) of the National Credit Act Regulations)
38 Fraud, corruption, or theft investigation An investigation into fraud, corruption or theft, provided that the South African Police Service or any other statutory enforcement agency conducts such an investigation; (Regulation 18(4)(a) of the National Credit Act Regulations)
39 Fraud detection and prevention Fraud detection and fraud prevention services; (Regulation 18(4)(b) of the National Credit Act Regulations)
40 Continuous service provision limit Setting a limit in respect of the supply of goods, services or utilities, provided that the consent of the consumer has been obtained prior to the report being requested; (Regulation 18(4)(e) of the National Credit Act Regulations)
42 Unclaimed funds distribution Obtaining consumer information to distribute unclaimed funds, including pension funds and insurance claims; (Regulation 18(4)(h) of the National Credit Acts Regulations)
43 Financial means assessment Undertaking a credit assessment in respect of a consumer, as required by Section 81 (2) of the Act;
44 Propensity to repay Undertaking an affordability assessment in respect of a consumer, as required by Section 79 of the Act;
48 Debt Counseling

Footer record (F)

The footer record indicates that the file is complete. It must be the last record in the file. If the record is not present, the system will fail the file without processing any transaction records.


Field Name Type Value
Record Identifier A F
No of transactions N A count of the transaction records
Sum of amounts N 0
End-of-file indicator N 9999

Input file example


H	C74EF975-5429-4663-85FB-2A64CA0FB9EF	1	CD35	Test	AVS	Batch	20180730	24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080
K	101	126	127	131	132	133	134	135	136	301	302	303
T	Ref001	199102191024089	1	1	NEL	2	051001	0	10011234099	Extra	data	1	Extra	2	Extra	3
F	1	0	9999



The web service has a 3-tiered output:

  • The method call is validated
  • The file content is validated and a load report is produced
  • The results of the enquiries are returned in a response file

Method call output

Successful request

If the method call was successful, the web service will process the file and return a file token. Use the file token returned to retrieve the load report.



Unsuccessful request

If the method call fails, the web service will return an error code:

Code Description
100 Authentication failure. Ensure that the Service Key in the method call is correct
102 Parameter error. One or more of the parameters in the string is incorrect
200 General code exception. Please contact Netcash Technical Support

Load Report

To retrieve the load report call:

Only errors are reported in the file. If all the entries in the file are successfully validated, the Load report header will contain “SUCCESSFUL” and there will be no detail messages.

File structure

The report is tab delimited with a linefeed character as line terminator.

Load report header (occurs once at the start of each load report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN8 ###BEGIN
2 Batch name AN {your batch name}
3 Result of upload A13 SUCCESSFUL / UNSUCCESSFUL /
4 Start time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM
5 Batch Value AN15 TOTAL OF BATCH
6 Action Date AN8 CCYYMMDD

Load report message
(occurs multiple times – once per error record)

Field Name Type Value
1 Account reference AN58 Acc Ref :{your account reference}
2 Line number AN Line :{line in your file where error was found}
3 Error message AN The error message
1 Record identifier AN8 ###ERROR
2 Error message AN The error message

Load report trailer
(occurs once – the last line in the report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN6 ###END
2 End time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM

Response file

To retrieve the response file call:

The response file is a base64-encoded PDF file.

Netcash brand guidelines

Please refer to the Netcash brand guidelines here when using any logos, images, icons, labels, descriptions, and references to Netcash in your software.


See the Testing section for more details. If you require any integration assistance contact our technical support team

Netcash may provide example/sample/demo ‘code snippets’ and/or external links in this Technical Document. Such are for guidance purposes only and may not function on every developer’s system/s. Netcash disclaims any and all liability for the usage of guidance resources provided -and you as the Developer; must accept full responsibility for the usage of such. While every possible effort has been taken to ensure compatibility across multiple system configurations, the contents of this document cannot be guaranteed to work on all systems, with all operating systems -and/or with all system configuration/s.