
Netcash offers a web service called ‘NIWS_NIF’ used to send batched Payment files to a Netcash account and then the National Payment System

Technical Information

Before submitting a Compact File, the Netcash Salary/Creditor payment Masterfile on must already contain the banking information recognised against the Account Reference (101) you are submitting in the file. If there is no entry in the Netcash Salary/Creditor payment Masterfile for Account Reference (101) this transaction line will fail on upload.

NIWS_NIF is an asynchronous web service which exposes multiple methods. The method BatchFileUpload allows an external system to submit a batch file of Payments for processing.

The Service

Object Name Description
method BatchFileUpload


  • ServiceKey (Salary/Creditor payments key)
  • File (Built in external system)
method RequestFileUploadReport


  • ServiceKey (Salary/Creditor payments service key)
  • FileToken (received on file upload if successful)

Once you have built the file call:

  • Web service: https://ws.netcash.co.za/NIWS/niws_nif.svc
  • Method: BatchFileUpload
  • Service key: Salary/Creditor payments service key


Requests to the web service are sent as strings

The BatchFileUpload method requires two parameters: –

  • Service key (to authenticate the method call)
  • File (the batch file containing the debit order instructions)



public string BatchFileUpload(string ServiceKey, string File) {
  // initialise client
  NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient client = new NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient();

  // call the BatchFileUpload method equal to a string variable
  string Request = client.BatchFileUpload(ServiceKey, File);

  // close client after response is received

  switch (Request) {
    case "100":  // Authentication failure
    case "102":  // Parameter error
    case "200":  // General code exception.
    default:  // successful
      return Request;

  // use response to call RequestFileUploadReport method
  return Request;



Successful request

If the method call was successful and the file is being processed, the web service will return a file token which is used to retrieve the load report

Example:  20000000.2550236530.0483.2.2


Unsuccessful request

If the method call fails, the web service will return an error code:

Code Description
100 Authentication failure. Ensure that the service key in the method call is correct
101 Date format error. If the string contains a date, it should be in the format CCYYMMDD
102 Parameter error. One or more of the parameters in the string is incorrect
200 General code exception. Please contact Netcash Technical Support.

Input File Structure

The file is a tab delimited text file and has the following mandatory records:

H – Header record identifies the upload and passes instructions to the Netcash server to determine the purpose of the file.
K – Key record must follow the header record. The key record describes the transaction records which follow. The format defined in the key record is used to validate the record structure and content.
T – Transaction records follow the key record. The fields in the transaction records must conform to the layout defined in the key.
F – Footer record must be the last record in the file and confirms that the file is complete.

Header record (H)

Every file must contain a header record as the first record in the file.

Field Name Type Value
1 Record Identifier AN H
2 Service Key AN Salary/Creditor payments Service Key
3 Version AN 1
4 Instruction AN Purpose of the file
5 Batch name AN Your identifier
6 Action date N CCYYMMDD
7 Software vendor code AN The key is issued by Netcash to identify the software origin of transactions. (only used by Netcash ISV‘s else use the default value: 24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080)

Field explanations

Field Explanation
Record Id “H” – Identifies the record as a header
Service key Salary/Creditor payments service key
Version “1” – This is the Netcash version of the file specification
Instruction Update – update the master file without loading a batch
CompactPaySalaries – Sameday payment batch (ideal for bonus or once off payments where the time the recipient receives the funds is not important)
CompactDatedSalaries – Dated salary batch upload (ideal for salary / wage payments)
CompactRealtime – Sameday creditor batch upload (ideal for supplier or creditor payments)
CompactDatedPayments – Dated creditor batch upload (ideal for once off payments where the time the recipient receives the funds is not important)
Refer to service cutoff times below
Batch name Use this field as an identifier of your batch.
Action date The date on which the payments are to be made to the beneficiary.
Software vendor code This is a code issued by Netcash.


H C74EF975-5429-4663-85FB-2A64CA0FB9EF 1 CompactPaySalaries My Test Batch 20100331 24ade73c-98cf-47b3-99be-cc7b867b3080


Key Record (K)

  • The key record is mandatory and must appear in the file between the header record and the transaction records.
  • The key defines the content, order and length of the transactions records in the file. It can be likened to the column headings in a spreadsheet.
  • The key lists all the possible fields contained in the subsequent transaction records, even if not every transaction record contains data in all the fields.
  • While the file is customizable, it is recommended that keys are listed in ascending numerical order for ease of debugging and support.


K 101 162


Transaction Record (T)

  • There must be at least one transaction record in the file.
  • The transaction records must conform to the order of the fields as described in the key record.
    (In the example above, the account reference (field id 101) is defined as the first field in the record therefore every transaction record MUST have the account reference as the first field or it will fail validation)
  • Every transaction record must have the same number of fields as defined in the key record (K).
  • Empty fields should be replaced by a blank tab or a default value, where one has been defined.
    Where fields are left empty, the Netcash system will assume spaces or zeroes for fields defined in the key record.


T Acc001 100


Mandatory field

The fields indicated by are mandatory for the specified instruction.

Key Field name Update CompactPaySalaries/CompactDatedSalaries/CompactRealtime/CompactPayments
101 Account reference
162 Amount

IMPORTANT Any masterfile records included in a batch file upload instruction will automatically be marked as “Active” on the relevant masterfile.

Footer record (F)

The footer record indicates that the complete file has been received. It must be the last record in the file. If the record is not present, the system will fail the file without processing any transaction records.


Field Name Type Value
1 Record Identifier AN F
2 No of transactions N A count of the transaction records
3 Sum of amounts N The sum of the monetary fields (in cents)
4 End-of-file indicator N 9999

Field explanations

Field Explanation
Record Identifier “F” – Identifies the record as a footer
No of transactions This is the count of all the ‘T’ records in the file.
Sum of amounts This is the sum of all the values in the 161 fields.
If field 161 is not specified in the key record, this will be the sum of all the 162 fields.
End-of-file indicator ‘9999’ – Indicates there are no more records.


F 2 0 9999


Example of input file


H 78e30d1e-aa36-0000-XXXX-dcd68866XXXX 1 CompactPaySalaries Batch_Name 20131204 24ade73c-98cf-XXXX-XXXX-cc7b867b3080
K 101 162
T CUS001 110200
T CUS002 200000
F 2 310200 9999



Example of string file (C#)


string fl =
    "H\xx34x5802-xxxx-abcd-c7xxxxz1ad9q\t1\tCompactPaySalaries\tTestBatch\t20131204\t24ade73c-98cf-XXXX-XXXX-cc7b867b3080" +
    Environment.NewLine + "K\t101\162" + Environment.NewLine +
    "T\tUniqueRef1\t10000" + Environment.NewLine + "T\tUniqueRef2\t10000" +
    Environment.NewLine + "T\tUniqueRef3\t10000" + Environment.NewLine +
string FileToken = BatchFileUpload("xx34x5802-xxxx-abcd-c7xxxxz1ad9q", fl);



Processing deadlines

  • All times in 24hr format.
  • Action date is the date the transaction is processed on the recipient bank account.
  • Business days are the days between -and including Monday to Friday but do not include public holidays and/or weekends.
Same day payments Dated payments
Must be loaded -and authorized
on Netcash before
12:59 on the action date 12:59 one (1) business day prior to action date
Payment cleared
in the beneficiary bank account
Funds will be available in the beneficiary bank account the next banking day, value-dated for the (same day) payment date.
The processing cut-off time is 13h00 on the payment day.
Valid payment dates are Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
All payments reflect in all beneficiary bank accounts at the same time -on the action date; irrespective of bank, branch -or the account type. This service is recommended for Salary and/or Wage payments.
Funding of Netcash account By 12:59 on action date By 12:59 one (1) business day prior to action date
Processing days
(excludes public holidays)
Monday to Friday Monday to Saturday

Retrieving the Load Report

Postback option

If you have activated the postback option in your NetConnector profile, the load report is automatically posted back to the URL you supplied.

Polling option

If you have not activated the postback option, you will need to request the load report using the file token received from the BatchFileUpload method call.

Using the file token, call:

Requests to the web service are sent as strings



public string RequestFileUploadReport(string ServiceKey, string FileToken) {
  // initialise client
  NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient client = new NIWS_NIF.NIWS_NIFClient();

  // call the RequestFileUploadReport method equal to a string variable
  // the same service key used for the bactch file upload
  string Request = client.RequestFileUploadReport(ServiceKey, FileToken);

  // close client after response is received

  // use response to output to UI
  // service will respond with the result of the file uploaded
  return Request;


Output file

File content

Only errors are reported in the file. If all the entries in the file are successfully validated, the Load report header will contain “SUCCESSFUL” and there will be no detail messages.

File structure

The report is tab delimited with a linefeed character as line terminator.

Load report header (occurs once at the start of each load report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN8 ###BEGIN
2 Batch name AN {your batch name}
3 Result of upload A13 SUCCESSFUL / UNSUCCESSFUL /
4 Start time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM
5 Batch Value AN15 TOTAL OF BATCH
6 Action Date AN8 CCYYMMDD

Load report message (occurs multiple times – once per error record)

Field Name Type Value
1 Account reference AN58 Acc Ref :{your account reference}
2 Line number AN Line :{line in your file where error was found}
3 Error message AN The error message


1 Record identifier AN8 ###ERROR
2 Error message AN The error message

Load report trailer (occurs once – the last line in the report)

Field Name Type Value
1 Record identifier AN6 ###END
2 End time of report AN8 HH:MM AM/PM

Retrieve Batch Status

Click here for the Netcash Retrieve batch status file format. Retrieve Batch Status is a web service that allows a user to retrieve up to the last 10 (ten) batches uploaded to the Netcash system. The web service will return all batches, whether they were uploaded via the web service -or manually created via the Netcash web site.

Netcash brand guidelines

Please refer to the Netcash brand guidelines here when using any logos, images, icons, labels, descriptions, and references to Netcash in your software.


See the Testing section for more details. If you require any integration assistance contact our technical support team


Netcash may provide example/sample/demo ‘code snippets’ and/or external links in this Technical Document. Such are for guidance purposes only and may not function on every developer’s system/s. Netcash disclaims any and all liability for the usage of guidance resources provided -and you as the Developer; must accept full responsibility for the usage of such. While every possible effort has been taken to ensure compatibility across multiple system configurations, the contents of this document cannot be guaranteed to work on all systems, with all operating systems -and/or with all system configuration/s.