Technical Information
NIWS_PARTNER is an asynchronous web service which exposes multiple methods. The method BatchFileUpload allows an external system to submit a batch file of leads to the Netcash system
Once you have built the file, call:
- Format: Tab Delimited Text
- Web service: *
- Method: BatchFileUpload
- Service key: Lead Generator Service Key
NOTE: A unique Lead Generator Service Key is required to use this service.
* niws_partner service uses SOAP 1.2. with WS-* addressing. See example
Requests to the web service are sent as strings
public string BatchFileUpload(string ServiceKey, string File) { // initialise client NIWS_Partner.NIWS_PartnerClient client = new NIWS_Partner.NIWS_PartnerClient(); // call the BatchFileUpload method equal to a string variable // lead generator service key requested by channel manager string Request = client.BatchFileUpload(ServiceKey, File); // close client after response is received client.Close(); // check response switch (Request) { case "100": // Authentication failure break; case "200": // General code exception. break; default: // successfull return Request; } // use response to call RequestFileUploadReport method return Request; }
Successful request
If the method call was successful and the file is being processed, the web service will return a file token which is used to retrieve the load report
Example: 1507296452.20131202
Unsuccessful request
If the method call fails, the web service will return an error code:
Code | Description |
100 | Authentication failure. Ensure that the Lead generator key in the method call is correct |
200 | General code exception. Please contact Netcash Technical Support. |
Input File Structure
The file is a tab delimited text file and has the following mandatory records:
H – Header record identifies the upload and passes instructions to the Netcash server to determine the purpose of the file.
K – Key record must follow the header record. The key record describes the transaction records which follow. The format defined in the key record is used to validate the record structure and content.
T – Transaction records follow the key record. The fields in the transaction records must conform to the layout defined in the key.
F – Footer record must be the last record in the file and confirms that the file is complete.
Header record (H)
Every file must contain a header record as the first record in the file.
Field | Name | Type | Value |
1 | Record Identifier | AN | H |
2 | Service Key | AN | Lead Generator Service Key |
3 | Version | AN | 1 |
4 | Instruction | AN | Purpose of the file |
5 | Batch name | AN | Your identifier |
6 | Action date | N | CCYYMMDD |
7 | Filler | AN | 0 |
Field explanations
Field | Explanation |
Record Id | “H” – Identifies the record as a header |
Service key | Lead Generator Service Key |
Version | “1” – This is the Netcash version of the file specification |
Instruction | This is the instruction to the Netcash system. It is used in conjunction with the service key in the previous field to determine what action is taken on receipt of the file. Registration– Data submitted is for a new Netcash client account |
Batch name | Use this field as an identifier of your batch. |
Action date | The date on which the payments are to be made to the beneficiary. |
Filler | 0 |
H C74EF975-5429-4663-85FB-2A64CA0FB9EF 1 Registration My Test Batch 20100331 0
Key Record (K)
- The key record is mandatory and must appear in the file between the header record and the transaction records.
- The key defines the content, order and length of the transactions records in the file. It can be likened to the column headings in a spreadsheet.
- The key lists all the possible fields contained in the subsequent transaction records, even if not every transaction record contains data in all the fields.
- While the file is customizable, it is recommended that keys are listed in ascending numerical order for ease of debugging and support.
K 101 113 114 121 201 441 524 525 528
Transaction Record (T)
- There must be at least one transaction record in the file.
- The transaction records must conform to the order of the fields as described in the key record. (In the example above, the account reference (field id 101) is defined as the first field in the record therefore every transaction record MUST have the account reference as the first field or it will fail validation)
- Every transaction record must have the same number of fields as defined in the key record (K).
- Empty fields should be replaced by a blank tab or a default value, where one has been defined.
- Where no default is defined, empty fields are indicated by two consecutive tabs
(IE: the field delimiters preceding and following the empty field) - Where fields are left empty, the Netcash system will assume spaces or zeroes for fields defined in the key record.
Mandatory fields
The more information correctly supplied in the request, the less the client will have to capture on the Netcash account activation web site. This will expedite the process from request to opening the account.
The following fields are mandatory. If these fields are not present and valid, the file will be rejected.
Key | Field name | Valid criteria |
101 | Account reference | min2, max 22 Alpha-Numeric |
113 | Surname | min2, max 15 Alpha |
114 | First name | min1, max 10 Alpha |
121 | Trading name | min2, max 25 Alpha-Numeric |
201 | Email address | min 5 max 50 Alpha-Numeric Format: {text}@{text}.{text} Full-stop allowed in text fields. |
301 | Extra field | min 5 max 999 Alpha-Numeric |
302 | Extra field | min 5 max 50 Alpha-Numeric |
303 | Extra field | min 5 max 50 Alpha-Numeric |
441 | Telephone number | min 10; max12 Numeric |
524 | Notes |
ISV name or ACC NR: Internal Acc # (ISV Name) eg.ABC123(SOFTWARE-NAME) EMPL BR: (Employee Bracket)eg.350 DEAL: (Promo Name)eg.VIP Premier OTHER:(optional) eg. pep name, cost center, etc. Triple space-separated. |
525 | Activate now | Numeric 1 = Log active opportunity |
Validation of optional fields
- Any additional data supplied will be validated according to the table in Appendix 1.
- Only valid data will be inserted into the database.
- Any fields which fail content validation will not be inserted.
- Any fields which do not meet the specified minimum length will fail validation.
- Any fields which exceed the specified maximum length will be truncated.
- Non-mandatory fields which fail validation will not cause the file to be rejected.
Footer record (F)
The footer record indicates that the complete file has been received. It must be the last record in the file. If the record is not present, the system will fail the file without processing any transaction records.
Field | Name | Alpha/Numeric | Value |
1 | Record Identifier | AN | F |
2 | No of transactions | N | A count of the transaction records |
3 | Sum of amounts | N | The sum of the monetary fields (in cents) |
4 | End-of-file indicator | N | 9999 |
Field explanations
Field | Explanation |
Record Identifier | “F” – Identifies the record as a footer |
No of transactions | This is the count of all the ‘T’ records in the file. |
Sum of amounts | This field must contain zero. |
End-of-file indicator | ‘9999’ – Indicates there are no more records. |
F 2 0 9999
Example of input file
H 5881ed99-XXX1-XXXX-XXXX-a103255d145a 1 Registration TestFile 20131202 0 K 101 113 114 121 201 441 301 302 303 524 525 T Test100 Soap Joe Test Co 27821234567 Sage OpCo Name 123456789 0000001 1 T Test101 Bloggs Jane Janes Hardware 27113044000 Extra1 Extra2 Extra3 1 F 2 0 9999
Retrieving the Load Report
Postback option
If you have activated the postback option in your Sage partner profile, the load report is automatically posted back to the URL you supplied.
Polling option
If you have not activated the postback option, you will need to request the load report using the file token received from the BatchFileUpload method call.
Using the file token, call:
- Web service: *
- Method: RequestFileUploadReport
- Service key: Lead Generator Key
Requests to the web service are sent as strings.
public string RequestFileUploadReport(string ServiceKey, string FileToken) { // initialise client NIWS_Partner.NIWS_PartnerClient client = new NIWS_Partner.NIWS_PartnerClient(); // call the RequestFileUploadReport method equal to a string variable // the same service key used in the batch upload string Request = client.RequestFileUploadReport(ServiceKey, FileToken); // close client after response is received client.Close(); // check request switch (Request) { case "100": // Authentication failure break; case "200": // General code exception break; case "FILE NOT READY": // The requested statement has not yet been created. // Retry later break; case "NO CHANGE": // No new transactions are available for download break; default: // Successful, will contain the Netcash account number registered // with us break; } // use response to output to UI // service will respond with the result of the file upload return Request; }
Output file
File content
For each successful lead in the file, the load report will contain the Netcash account number for the lead. Where errors were detected, the load report will stipulate the line number and the error message
Load report structure:
Load report header (occurs once at the start of each load report)
Field | Type | Value |
Record identifier | AN8 | ###BEGIN |
Batch name | AN | {your batch name} |
Start time of report | AN8 | HH:MM |
Load report message (occurs multiple times – once per T record in the input file)
Field | Type | Value |
Account reference | AN58 | Acc Ref :{your account reference} |
Batch name | AN | Line :{line in your file where error was found} |
Line number | AN | The Netcash account number or error message |
Load report trailer (occurs once – the last line in the report)
Field | Type | Value |
Record identifier | AN6 | ###END |
End time of report | AN8 | HH:MM |
The following is a list of the errors which could be returned:
Error message | Meaning |
A system error occurred. Please contact Netcash. | A fatal error occurred and the file could not be processed |
Invalid service key. | Lead Generator Service Key could not be authenticated |
Service key inactive. | Lead Generator Service Key not activated on the Netcash system |
Invalid instruction. | Instruction should be “Registration” |
File structure invalid. Transaction record fields do not match key record fields. | Columns supplied in the transaction record(s) do not match the columns specified in the key record |
Required key XXX was not provided. | A mandatory key was omitted |
File structure invalid. Please check header, key or footer records. | One or more of the record types H,K or F is not present in the file. |
File structure invalid. Please check transaction records. | Record type T not found |
Transaction field XXX has invalid characters. | |
Transaction field XXX has an invalid length. Minimum X characters. | |
Transaction field XXX has an invalid range. Only from {1} to {2} allowed. |
###BEGIN key record UNSUCCESSFUL 16:03 ###ERROR A system error occurred. Please contact Netcash. ###END 16:03
###BEGIN UNSUCCESSFUL 16:02 Acc Ref :NA Line :2 Required key 101 was not provided ###END 16:02
###BEGIN My test batch SUCCESSFUL 15:45 Acc Ref : 001 Line :3 51002977916 ###END 15:45
###BEGIN My test batch SUCCESSFUL WITH ERRORS 11:45 Acc Ref : 001 Line :3 51002977916 Acc Ref : 002 Line :4 INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS ###END 11:45
Appendix 1 Transaction fields
Account reference
Key | Name | Type | Value |
101 | Account reference | AN22 | 001 for the first account in the file. 002 for the second account Etc. |
Company contact details
Key | Name | Type | Value |
203 | Company web address | AN50 | The “//:” and “.” symbols are allowed in this field |
341 | Company phone number | N11 | Include dialing codes EG: 27117822349 min:10, max:12 |
342 | Company fax number | N11 | Include dialing codes EG: 27117822349 min:10, max:12 |
Company details
Key | Name | Type | Value |
121 | Trading name | AN25 | The name of the business to be checked. |
122 | Registration number | N20 | The number of a registered business |
123 | Registered name | AN25 | The name of a registered business |
124 | VAT number | N10 | The VAT number of a registered business |
125 | Legal entity | N1 | 1 = Registered company (Pty Ltd) 2 = Close corporation 3 = Section 21 company 4 = Non-profit organisation 5 = Trust 6 = Co-operative 7 = Sole proprietor 8 = Partnership 9 = Educational institution 10 = Unknown 11 = Association 12 = Incorporation |
Company physical address
Key | Name | Type | Value |
321 | Physical address line 1 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
322 | Physical address line 2 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
323 | Physical address line 3 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
324 | Physical suburb | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
325 | Physical city | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
326 | Physical postal code | N4 | Must be 4 digits |
327 | Physical province | N1 | 1 = Western Cape 2 = Gauteng 3 = Eastern Cape 4 = Free State 5 = Kwazulu Natal 6 = Limpopo 7 = Mpumalanga 8 = Northern Cape 9 = North West |
Company postal address
Key | Name | Type | Value |
331 | Postal address line 1 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
332 | Postal address line 2 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
333 | Postal address line 3 | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
334 | Postal suburb | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
335 | Postal city | AN50 | min:2, max:50 |
336 | Postal code | N4 | Must be 4 digits |
337 | Postal province | N1 | 1 = Western Cape 2 = Gauteng 3 = Eastern Cape 4 = Free State 5 = Kwazulu Natal 6 = Limpopo 7 = Mpumalanga 8 = Northern Cape 9 = North West |
Account user details
Key | Name | Type | Value |
111 | Id number | N13 | South African identity number. Must be 13 digits. |
113 | Surname | A15 | Details to be used for Consumer enquiry |
114 | First name | A10 | Details to be used for Consumer enquiry |
119 | Title | N1 | 1 = Mr 2 = Mrs 3 = Ms 4 = Miss 5 = Dr 6 = Prof |
128 | Designation | A25 | Director, Member, Trustee, Sole proprietor, etc |
129 | Job description | A25 | Manager, Owner, Bookkeeper, etc. |
201 | Email address | AN50 | The “@” and “.” symbols are allowed in this field |
441 | Telephone number | N11 | Include dialing codes EG: 27117822349 min:10, max:12 |
442 | Mobile number | N11 | Include dialing codes EG: 27827822123 min:10, max:12 |
Bank account details
Key | Name | Type | Value |
132 | Bank account holder | AN50 | The name linked to the bank account |
133 | Bank account type | N1 | 1 = Current / Checking 2 = Savings 3 = Transmission |
134 | Bank account branch | N6 | The branch code of the homing account. This field MUST be 6 digits. Pre-fill with zeroes if less than 6. |
136 | Bank account number | N11 | The homing bank account number. |
Software vendor information
Key | Name | Type | Value |
524 | Notes | AN399 | ISV name, Software serial number, Software account number Triple space separated. |
525 | Activate now | N | 1 = Log active opportunity |
Read the Lead Status Update File Specification here.
Netcash brand guidelines
Please refer to the Netcash brand guidelines here when using any logos, images, icons, labels, descriptions, and references to Netcash in your software.
See the Testing section for more details. If you require any integration assistance contact our technical support team